الخميس، 6 ديسمبر 2012

محادثة للمبتدئين والأطفال اللغة السويدية تجربني الشخصية في تعلم السويدي How I went about learning Swedish

التحدث باللغة السويدية سهل لكن يتطلب الكثير من المهارات, أول شيء أنت تحتاج إلى حفظ الكلمات السويدية الشائعة, في هذا الدرس الهم سوف تتعلم أهم الطرق لحفظ كلمات تتعلق ب تجربني الشخصية في تعلم السويدي How I went about learning Swedish في اللغة السويدية البسيطة والسهلة, تقنيات وأساليب التعلم السريع السويدية للمبتدئين والمتقدمين, التعليم باستعمال الكتب grammar pdf و الموسيقى learning Swedish by music and songs , تعلم إجراء محادثة وكلام على الهاتف في اللغة السويدية بدون معلم , أهم تقنيات تدريس اللغة السويدية للمبتدئين عبر الانترنت, إستعمال وتحميل برامج مجانية لتعلم محادثة بالسويدية بسرعة للمبتدئين. دروس للتحميل على الأيبود, مفردات السويدية للمبتدئين تجربني الشخصية في تعلم السويدي How I went about learning Swedish. تعلم learn Swedish عبر الانترنت و pdf بالمجان للمبتدئين. Reading Swedish is something you can do to help you learn on your own, outside of the classroom. Have a dictionary with you (Swedish/Swedish is best.) to look up new words and then write them down in a notebook. Try to use these new words in conversation; it's a great way to learn Swedish. Newspapers are good for higher level students, so for lower levels try reading Swedish children’s stories or books which have been especially written for Swedish learners. You won’t learn much if you choose a book that is too difficult or too easy. You should find something that will be challenging, fun,and you can learn well from. When you read don’t worry about trying to understand every Swedish word, don’t keep reaching for the dictionary every few seconds! Instead, try and understand the general meaning of the Swedish text first and then re-read it for more detail. For words you don’t understand, try learning how to guess the meaning from the context. Look at the other Swedish words in the sentence; they will give you clues as to its meaning. Check to see if the Swedish word is a verb, a noun or an adjective. The internet is full of stuff you can read and learn from. For starters, take a look at our Swedish newsletter. Danish Text Guides There are resources that you can download and print. Some can be bought from bookstores and travel shops. Text guides mainly contain words, particularly lists of everyday expressions, greetings, and phrases used frequently in conversation, as well as those pertaining to the time of the day and dates. Some guides can be very comprehensive though and contain a whole lot of nouns, verbs, cognates and adjectives. It depends on what that text guide was created for, either in terms of the level of language knowledge (beginner, intermediate, advanced) or in terms of purpose (a travel booklet, or a an intensive language learning book). An alternative to this would be Danish articles, short stories and books. There is a wealth of Danish articles and news pages online that you can get your hands on. Reading this will enable you to become more familiar with sentence structure, and improve your vocabulary. Learn Danish Audiobooks One resource that can be extremely helpful, especially in the absence of a language software, are Danish audiobooks. You may purchase CDs, but audio is more commonly sold now in the form of files that you can download for a fee. These files include recordings of phrases spoken by native Danish speakers. They are handy in pronunciation drills. What better way to learn than from native speakers, eh? While there are no-fee audiolabs that cater to language learners, the problem is that Danish language is not as popular or widely spoken as other European languages like French or German. As a result, there are relatively fewer audiolabs that has Danish audio files. An alternative for these would be video and audio clips posted in video sharing sites or those shared by people in social networking sites such as Facebook. It would be better if they have captions, but if they don't, they can still be useful. You may not be able to understand whatever the message is but you'd at least get the feel and tone of the language. You may also want to listen to radio and TV shows in Danish. Learn Danish Software If you want a multi-purpose resource, a language software just might be what you are looking for. It has information about the fundamentals of language, such as grammar, structure and pronunciation. It also has tools such as speech recognition that will let you work on improving your Danish and monitor your progress all by yourself. There are even softwares that give you the option to create vocabulary lists of your own. There are also reference tools such as a word or phrase database, as well as audio files to help you with pronunciation, especially that of vowels and consonants. Other audio files might let you know how words are pronounced but learn language softwares can help you pronounce the sound of every letter in that language's alphabet. There are also games and quizzes that make learning more fun.

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