الخميس، 6 ديسمبر 2012

جمل وعبارات مسموعة محادثة السويدية أيام الاسبوع الاثنين والثلاثاخ الخ Learn Swedish: Weekdays

في هذا الموقع سوف نتعلم طريقة التحدث باللغة السويدية, كما سوف تتعلم جميع الكلمات والمفردات والمصطلحات السويدية وطريقة استخدامها في الجمل مع أهم قواعد لغوية grammar rules للمبتدئين والمتقدمين, دروس فيديو جيدة ومثيرة ورائعة لإتقان اللغة السويدية في سرعة وسهولة وبدون معلم. أهم الدروس السريعة والبسيطة التحدث public speaking باللغة السويدية عن أيام الاسبوع الاثنين والثلاثاخ الخ Learn Swedish: Weekdays, كورس سهل سوف نتعلم وسائل وطرق استخدام النطق الصحيح للغة السويدية الأمريكية Swedish Swedish Pronunciation. تعليم السويدية للأطفال والكبار والمبتدئين دروس عبر الانترنت المفردات السويدية في أيام الاسبوع الاثنين والثلاثاخ الخ Learn Swedish: Weekdays. Whenever you have the opportunity, speak Swedish. This will be hard to do if you don't live in an Swedish-speaking country; however, the internet provides new opportunities to practice speaking through Swedish chat rooms (which is mostly just text for now) and through Swedish audio-video chat technology, such as is available through an Apple computer. You can also record your Swedish voice using the recorder below, but don't send it to me. Just use it while you are on this website. Here's what you do: Use the internet - Find one or two or three different free Swedish websites that you can go to daily. Don't pay for instruction over the internet. Some Swedish websites require monthly or yearly fees and they aren't worth it. This website will always be free. Access to internet, headsets and online telephone software (e.g. Skype) has meant that more people than ever before can engage in distance studies and receive tutoring online. Some learners can feel a little bit sceptical to the idea of learning a language through Skype, and feel more comfortable with the idea of sitting face-to-face with their language teacher. The purpose of this article is to discuss some of the benefits of learning a language via Skype and internet, from a Swedish teacher's perspective. 1. Location Learning online means you can learn a language even though there are no teachers available locally where you live. Generally speaking, it can be quite difficult to find a language teacher, unless you live in a major city that has language schools with your chosen language available. The other option is to travel to the country in question and do an intensive course, which is highly effective but may be on the expensive side for many learners. Therefore, learning through the internet means you can still go ahead and learn, regardless of where you live. This is particularly important for those learning less common languages, which can be hard to come by even in major cities. 2. Listening and speaking skills Whereas some may see the lack of face-to-face tuition as something negative, my experience is that it can actually be beneficial for the learner. The learner automatically focuses more on listening to 'the music of the language', and the experience will be mainly auditory. This builds confidence for both speaking and listening, and it stops the learner relying on body language - which often happens when trying to communicating face-to-face. Of course, webcam can be used too, if there are situations where this would be beneficial. 3. Using the chat box In Skype, there are other features that can be used during a language lesson. Both learner and tutor can use the chat box in Skype in real-time, to check spelling and to emphasize other aspects. I often use the chat box to illustrate emphasis in words (only last week, I wrote to one learner to visually illustrate the emphasis of the word 'studerar' in Swedish, which is 'stu-dEEEEEErar'). A few times I have had completely text-based sessions, where the learner and I have practiced writing to each other. I also use it every time I run conversational practice sessions with more fluent students, as I can type out new words as we go along and the learner can save the chat record to their computer after the session. 4. File transfers, sharing links and giving examples Sitting in front of your computer means more flexibility. The tutor can instantly transfer files or documents that can be useful in addition to the lesson material. Both learner and tutor can share links and use images to exemplify meanings and concepts. A picture says more than 1,000 words, the saying goes, and I find it highly effective to sometimes be able to quickly find a picture on the internet that illustrate exactly what I mean. It also provides the learner with a more varied learning experience. This level of flexibility is not possible in face-to-face tuition. 5. Saving time Learning online saves time and money. Travelling cost is none. Travelling time is, if not completely eliminated, minimized to however long it takes to turn the computer on, or walk down the stairs to the office/kitchen/lounge, or wherever the computer is located. There is nothing wrong with wanting to sit in front of a teacher in the same room (and not just in front of a webcam), but unless there is a perfect language school or language tutor in the immediate neighbourhood, I would recommend giving online lessons a go. Anneli B. Haake is a native Swedish language teacher. She has taught over 1,000 hours and specialises in online distance learning for

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